Thursday, June 28, 2007
Make your head dance!
At you can make your own... um... weird dancing thing?
Upload a picture and use your own head or use some prefab heads. Then pick out your outfit, your dance moves, and the music you want to get down to.
UPDATE: is no more. If you want to upload your head to something, try this instead.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
service announcement for readers
I realize that the Move Over Mr. Ed post contained a bad link. It has been repaired. Sorry guys! Please give it a try as I really think you will enjoy this one!
Fast-traveling Graffiti
Remember when your mom used to yell at you for putting money in your mouth? "Stop that! Money is filthy!" Well she was right (you sicko), money is filthy. And that's because it's been EVERYWHERE. The green stuff really gets around, sometimes leaving me to wonder "Where have you been, little dollar? What have you seen?"
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Move Over Mr. Ed!
Monday, June 25, 2007
How to Steal Your Own Identity
If you're a Citi Bank customer, you may want to move your money after reading this hilarious prank.
Labels: bored, stuff to do, free stuff to do Humor
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Jog your book memory
What was that book with that woman, I think maybe in China? And she like kills a guy or something? Maybe there are some shoes involved?
Labels: bored, stuff to do, free stuff to do educational, reading
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Thems Good Readins!
Move over Myspace: there's a new networking site in town and the nerds are finally taking over.
Labels: bored, stuff to do, free stuff to do networking, reading
Friday, June 22, 2007
First Flash Friday!
Welcome to the first weekly installment of Flash Fridays! Originally I was planning for Flash Fridays to consist of every Web Diversions reader receiving a strip-o-gram. But I crunched the numbers and decided it wasn't in the budget. I liked the name though so I decided to keep it and just show you a new flash movie every Friday instead.
So, without further ado, I present our first flash pick, Salad Fingers: Episode One
Warning: this may severely creep you out.
Labels: bored, stuff to do, free stuff to do flash, friday drive in, video
Thursday, June 21, 2007
mosaic your face
You know those lame Bob Marley posters where the big picture of him is a mosaic of tiny pictures of him? Well now you can make your own lame mosaic pictures!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
wrap music
There are many things in this world that people are perplexingly drawn to, but none so mystical or so tempting as... bubble wrap.
Labels: bored, stuff to do, free stuff to do games
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
How would you say that in Jive?
Ownay youay ancay anslatetray exttay, oryay evenyay olewhay ebway agespay intoyay "ialectsday" ithway ethay ickclay ayay uttonbay!
Labels: bored, stuff to do, free stuff to do Humor
Monday, June 18, 2007
In Georgia, we call it "Brain Coke"
Remember in the 5th grade when you learned the parts of the electromagnetic spectrum? Yeah, neither do I. Good thing there's BrainPop
Labels: bored, stuff to do, free stuff to do educational, flash, video
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Spend the Day With Salinger
If you're feeling tired of all those lousy phonies, maybe you should take a little time out with J. D. Salinger.
Labels: bored, stuff to do, free stuff to do reading
Saturday, June 16, 2007
frank and beams
Sure, Frank Lloyd Wright's butler set fire to his home and ax murdered his wife and step children while the flames raged, but he can put that all behind him now by helping you design a virtual home.
Labels: bored, stuff to do, free stuff to do games, virtual design
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Who stole my f***ing poptarts!?!?
For those of you who like Found Magazine, or anyone who's ever had roomates, you're going to love this site. Thanks to Cody in Atlanta, GA for bringing this site to the attention of Web Diversions.
Passive Agressive Notes is just what it sounds like: readers submit pictures of the passive agressive notes left by house mates, co-workers, and strangers. It's a combination of the humor of Overheard in New York and the surprising self recognition of Post Secret. Hey! You just got three sites for the price of one Web Diversions post!
I reccomend subscribing to their RSS feed. Hey, while you're at it, why not subscribe to Web Diversions? If you need instructions on how to do it, post a comment and I'll tell you how.
Clone yourself, see an ultrasound of the first pregnant man, and talk to the new Algernon.
This one’s so good, I feel like Web Diversions may be blowing its wad too early.
The RYT Hospital website may be our biggest time waster yet; you could spend hours poking around this site and never see everything. The premise is a hospital with incredible futuristic medical and scientific advancements.
I don’t want to spoil the experience too much, but let me point out some highlights to make sure you don’t miss them: Use the GENOCHOICE section to make a genetically perfect baby and chat with CLYVEN, the genius mouse, after racing him in a maze.
This website is the work of Virgil Wong (, whose own site may one day warrant it’s own post on Web Diversions.
Happy cloning!
Labels: bored, stuff to do, free stuff to do hoax
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Put Words in My Mouth!
Want to make Jesus swear at your mom? Now you can!
SitePal lets people and businesses design animated speaking characters for their websites. The service is 9.95 per month, but lucky for us they have a great demo that can provide hours of hilarity.
Just go to Sitepal and select “Demo It”. Once there, you can select different characters, including different races and genders of blandly attractive people, political and historical figures like Tony Blair and Abe Lincoln, strange animals, robots, and yes, your old buddy the Son of God. You can choose from a wide variety of backgrounds; try putting Pope Benedict in your bathroom for example. You can also accessorize your characters, change the size of their features, and change their clothes.
Now comes the really fun part: making them say whatever you want. Click on the “record” button and you will have the option of adding speech by uploading an audio file (great if you want to make George W. Bush rap Lil’ Kim’s “Shut Up Bitch”), recording using a mic, calling in a recording, or using text to speech. They will say absolutely anything you tell them to.
When you’re done, you can email your message to a friend. Or just laugh your ass off.
Labels: bored, stuff to do, free stuff to do flash
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Design Your Own Pool
Are you one of those people who thinks the most enjoyable part of playing The Sims is designing houses, right down to the little patch of daisies around the mailbox?
At you can design your own pool, including patio, landscaping, and fun accesories like water slides and hot tubs. You can even add a barbeque. It's all done by just clicking and dragging. A relaxing way to waste some time.
Labels: bored, stuff to do, free stuff to do games, virtual design