Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Free. Will. Power.: Cool videos and T-shirt Design Contest

Naral Pro-Choice America has launched a new website, Free.Will.Power, to get younger audiences involved in the issue of reproductive rights. It features 3 videos of spoken-word artists with awesome soundtracks by DJ Spooky. Here's one that launched today:

(Side note: as of today, YouTube now supports larger video dimensions. Jams.)

They also have a t-shirt design contest. The winner gets $1,000 and their design will become the official T-shirt of Free.Will.Power. Comment with a link to your entry so we'll know to vote for you!

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Friday, November 14, 2008

Hey Web Diversions Fans

We're packing up shop here in New York and relocating to Chicago. Posts may be scarce (or non-existent) for a little while until we get ourselves settled in. But don't worry: we promise we'll come back. And we'll miss you the whole damn time.

This isn't much in the way of a video post, but it is a good farewell to home post. See you in Chicago...

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Saturday Morning Breakfast: The Dark Humor of Zach Weiner

The web comic Saturday Morning Breakfast has had me in stitches for days. And there are so many posts I have yet to dig my way to the bottom. Which is good, because otherwise I would be reduced to refreshing the home page all day, praying for more funny. The humor is very dark, sometimes down-right depressing. But it's always hilarious.

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Monday, November 10, 2008

Write a Letter to Your Future Self

Sometimes there are moments in life where you feel you've learned an important lesson and you don't want to forget it. Or maybe you just want to remember forever how and who you were at a certain point.

FutureMe.org let's you write an email to yourself and decide when you'd like it delivered. You can set delivery for anytime between tomorrow and the year 2035. Just make sure you still have the same email address in 27 years.

If you choose to make your letter public, a version of it will be posted on the site for anyone to see. It will include your name but not your email address. Be sure to cruise other people's public letters which range from hilarious to sad and touching. Here's a favorite of mine from the former category:

Hello, futureCraig
Dear FutureMe,

It has always been my fantasy to go back in time and kick my own ass. When you do, please, be gentle and nothing below the belt. I'm sure by now you've learned Karate or something and will easily be able to defeat me. Or will you...

PS. I hope you are continuing to kick a significant amount off ass. Please do not suck.


(written Thu Nov 20, 2003, sent Sun Nov 20, 2005)

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Friday, November 7, 2008

Live Puppy Cam!

Face it: puppies are cute. So why not sit back and watch the live streaming feed of a whole pack of them rolling around and sleeping and being fluffy. I know Becky K. over at Meals for Moderns and On Style for Moderns has been glued to it for days.

Free TV Show from Ustream

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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Barack as President

Palin as President celebrates Obama's victory by making it Obama's Oval Office.

Way to go Barack!

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Monday, November 3, 2008

A New Kind of Economy from David Horvitz

David Horvitz is offering some very unique goods and services in exchange for various amounts of money. His website came to my attention because it was featured in The Best American Non-Required Reading 2008. I recommend checking that out too.

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